Lucio Laugelli


Lucio Laugelli graduated with full marks from the Dams in Bologna and then specialized at the IULM in Milan. Since 2009 he has been making audiovisuals. Since 2010 he has been a freelance journalist. During his career he has directed short films experimenting with different themes and genres that have allowed him to be selected (and to win, in some cases) in national and international festivals, above all to be remembered: Los Angeles, Italy – Film, Fashion and Art Fest with the support of MIBAC and Intesa Sanpaolo, City Tales promoted by Siemens & Sole24ore, The great Occasion organized by Canon, Infinity Life by Mediaset, Black Silk Tulips in collaboration with Rai Cinema Channel, ToHorror Film Fest, Rio Web Fest. In recent years he has focused more on the documentary genre by addressing highly current issues (Asocial – 10 days without a smartphone, of 2017, which analyzes the problem of hyperconnection) or by telling the latest ones (Voci di Dentro of 2018 set in a prison maximum security) and more recently narrating the escape of the Afghan people (We Cannot Live Under That Flag of 2021) His works have been published by: Prime Video, Rai Play, Mediaset Infinity, Corriere Tv, Panorama, Wired, GQ, Rolling Stone, Mymovies, La Stampa Tv, Tv Movies, Tgcom24, Il Fatto Quotidiano, Gazzetta Tv, RepubblicaTV, Roxy Bar TV, Movieplayer, Film UP, Rockit.


Progetto finanziato nell’ambito del programma NextAppennino per il rilancio economico e sociale delle regioni del Centro Italia colpite dai terremoti del 2009 e del 2016 

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