What goes on behind the closed curtains of a travelling circus? The documentary follows three circus performers out of the spotlights. The ex-acrobat and now expert coach, Renè Rodogell has no children of his own, but has a sincere and kind hearted relationship with kids and young children who he trains every day and who consider him a second father. The lion-tamer Denny Montico is a brave and tough man (as his job requires), but when he talks about family matters with his sister or his clown friends, the pure and more genuine side of his personality comes out. The horsewoman and busy mother Yvette De Rocchi is training herself for a show that she will bring on stage next winter and at the same time she is trying to teach her son her profession. Three characters create three stories in the glittering backdrop of the Circus. Little kids flying around on trapezes high up to ten meters, lions as life companions,“horse whisperer” people, and a lifetime spent continuously moving around in caravans: these are the aspects of ordinary life for these three protagonists. “Costellazioni” looks on a world with which any person comes in contact with just for brief moments, that is when someone attends a show. From the latter, it is difficult to understand the true everyday essence of circus life and the motivations and aspirations of the people who make up the great personalities within the circus family: many stars of a single constellation, that move,intertwine, interact and linger over and over again, to then leave again leaving a shining trail behind them.
Italy 2015 – Documentary – DCP/Digital Full HD – Stereo/Dolby 5.1 – Ita – 46’ • written and directed by Luigi Cuomo • starring René Rodogell, Denny Montico, Yvette De Rocchi • cinematography by Luigi Cuomo • digital colorist Amedeo Lanza • film editor Luigi Cuomo • post production sound Stefano Grosso, Giancarlo Rutigliano • executive production CSC Abruzzo • distribution manager Luigi Cuomo, Gabriele Sabatino Nardis, Paolo Santamaria • distributed by Red Couch Pictures ⓒ Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia sede Abruzzo 2015
Progetto finanziato nell’ambito del programma NextAppennino per il rilancio economico e sociale delle regioni del Centro Italia colpite dai terremoti del 2009 e del 2016
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