Daniele Oliveri


Born in Palermo in 1991 to a Swiss mother and Italian father, Daniele soon developed a love for travelling and capturing fleeting moments through photography. After backpacking around the world while working as a cook and developing is interest and skills in filmmaking, he enrolled and was accepted in the three year Reportage course at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, where he had the opportunity to grow professionally in a consistent way, as well as the ability to develop different projects like “Amo mi cuerpo”, his graduation film, and “In viaggio tra le nuove economie” and “Non sprecare”, two audio documentaries that have been aired on the national Italian radio on the program “Tre Soldi”. After graduation, in the early months of the Covid-19 Pandemic, he curated “Day by Day”, together with friend and colleague Greta Rossi, a crowsourced series of shorts about how different individuals were coping with the new normal.


Progetto finanziato nell’ambito del programma NextAppennino per il rilancio economico e sociale delle regioni del Centro Italia colpite dai terremoti del 2009 e del 2016 

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