Eleonora Gasparotto Nascimben (born in Italy in 1994) attends the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia – Sede Abruzzo, and since 2013 has been writing for online sites, magazines and periodicals. She realizes audio documentaries broadcast on Radio 3 Rai and audiovisual works such as “Marghera” (2013, Venice Film Festival), “EKO” (2016, Locarno Festival) and “Nunca Màs Hermanos” (2017). This latest film, released with OpenDDB, was presented in 40 countries around the world, winning several awards. In 2017, thanks to the FuoriRotta call which financed the “Culture above every law” project (which became a book and published by Edizioni Sacula), she began to closely follow the issue of indigenous peoples in northern Europe, a type of research that continued in Oceania and Abya Yala (Latin America). Since 2021 she has collaborated in various projects related to international cooperation in Colombia (Fondo Multidonante de la UN por el Sostentamiento de la Paz – video editor; Junior Camara Internaciónal – communication strategy), Guatemala (Ecociudadanos – reforestation campaign), Vietnam (Better Life – video editor), Kenya (CDS – designer), Papua New Guinea (Morobe Development Foundation – design), India (CEWS – social media outreach) and France (IDC – awareness “reduce/use/cycle”).

Progetto finanziato nell’ambito del programma NextAppennino per il rilancio economico e sociale delle regioni del Centro Italia colpite dai terremoti del 2009 e del 2016
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