Greta Rossi


I was born in Milan in 1992. At the age of ten I had a special encounter with a disposable Kodak machine, since then I have always had my eye behind the lens. After years as an “official photographer” of family, travel and friends, I decided to direct my training towards the world of images, in particular those in motion and sound, with a specialization in cinema of reality and audio-documentaries. I graduated from the DAMS in Bologna and afterwards I obtained a high training diploma at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia – Sede Abruzzo. I made: “I cantori abruzzesi”, “Il cantiere sotto la montagna”, “Generazione San Siro”, radio documentaries broadcast on the RaiRadio3 radio program Tresoldi and “God save the italians” radio documentary selected at the Capodarco L’Anello Debole Festival. I made the following documentaries: “Il ballo della pupazza”, “L’albero dai mille colori” screened at the Lecce European Film Festival and “Brexitaly” selected at the Lecce European Film Festival and at the Movie Zone Short Film Festival in Beijing. During the first months of Covid-19, I developed, together with my friend and colleague Daniele Oliveri, the “Day by day” project, a collection of audio and video portraits on the new normal caused by the pandemic.


Progetto finanziato nell’ambito del programma NextAppennino per il rilancio economico e sociale delle regioni del Centro Italia colpite dai terremoti del 2009 e del 2016 

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