Paolo Sideri


Born in Lanciano on October 30th, 1997, Paolo is an independent filmmaker, producer and actor. He began his training at the age of thirteen, with maestro Claudio Fragasso, and later, after graduating from classical high school, he studied at “Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia – Sede Abruzzo”, under the accademic direction of Daniele Segre. When he was only 14 years old, he wrote the script and directed his first full-length film, “Che fine hanno fatto gli angeli?”, making his debut as young filmmaker. In 2018 creates in Lanciano, with Orazio Ciancone, Matteo Giampetruzzi and Gianmaria Tantimonaco, the production company “PICSAT ABRUZZO”, share the common goal of creating free and independent film projects. Paolo is a multifaceted and experimental author and he has made different genres of films and audiovisual works, among these stand out titles such as: “Il diario”, “Blackbird”, “Pomo d’Oro”, “Gli innocenti dai volti di cenere”, “Fuori i secondi”, “Come castelli di sabbia”, “Il cravattino” and “Sponde”.


Progetto finanziato nell’ambito del programma NextAppennino per il rilancio economico e sociale delle regioni del Centro Italia colpite dai terremoti del 2009 e del 2016 

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