Stolen Moments follows the story of Sabino, a young man from Puglia with a great passion for jazz, who decides to change his life—and the lives of those around him. Together with his cousin Michele and his friend Pasquale—both hailing from old Bari and with difficult pasts behind them—Sabino moves to Turin to open a jazz club in an abandoned warehouse. These warehouses, symbols of decay and historic memory, were originally meant to house migrant families from the South years ago. Now, thanks to the determination of Sabino and his friends, this space is transformed into a cultural center that welcomes jazz lovers, workshops, and other migrants, giving them a sense of community and belonging.
Italy 2024 – Fiction – 2K – Stereo/Dolby 5.1 – Ita – 1h28′ • written by Stefano Landini • directed by Stefano Landini • starring Nicola Nocella, Antonella Carone, Paolo Sassanelli, Michele Sinisi, Franco Ferrante, Barbara Monetti, Pierluigi Patimo, Pupi Avati • cinematographer Pierfrancesco Cadeddu • camera operator Luca La Vopa • production sound mixer Francesco Piro, assistant director Enrico Acciani • film editor Steve Flamini, Stefano Landini • sound engineer Matteo Di Simone • mix and mastering Marinelli Effetti Sonori • color grading Vincenzo Marinese •music Massimo Fedeli, Mario Rosini, Emanuele Coluccia, Lorenzo Lorenzoni, Alberto Di Leone, Francesco Angiuli, Enzo Lanzo, Vito Quaranta • scenography by Alessandra Schilardi • costumes manager Rosa Lorusso • make-up artist Laura Cacciapaglia • executive production Giuseppe Pino Ladisa • distribution manager Luigi Cuomo, Gabriele Sabatino Nardis, Paolo Santamaria • production Roberto Gambacorta (Rio Film), Gaetano Di Vaio (Bronx Film srl), Massimo Guermani (LCN srl)• distributed by Red Couch Pictures
Progetto finanziato nell’ambito del programma NextAppennino per il rilancio economico e sociale delle regioni del Centro Italia colpite dai terremoti del 2009 e del 2016
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